Test before you buy

The demoversion is fully functional

Dear users and customers in Russia and Belarus
Please understand that we will currently not accept any orders from the Russian Federation or Belarus during the current conflict and the illegal invasion of Ukraine.
Also we will not offer any support or technical assistance for the affected countries.
We feel obliged to support the wide network of sanctions and to take a clear stance.

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Die Testversion ist voll funktionsfähig.
Allerdings sind Im- und Exportfunktionen auf max. 50 Objekte gleichzeitig limitiert.

Wer mutig genug ist, möchte möglicherweise das NightlyBuild ausprobieren.
Aber Achtung: Das NightlyBuild sollte nicht in Produktivumgebungen eingesetzt werden!

Eine 64-Bit-Version finden Sie hier

Das NightlyBuild für ein 64-Bit-Access finden Sie hier.

Changelog (XML)

The demoversion is fully functional,
but import, export etc. is limited to 50 objects at a time.

If you are brave, you'd like to check the NightlyBuild.
But be careful - the NightlyBuild should not be used in a production environment!

You will find a 64-bit-version here

The NightlyBuild for a 64-Bit Access can be found here.

Changelog (XML)

Created 03.12.2016
Changed 26.07.2023
Size 11.52 MB
(111 votes)
Created by Bernd Gilles
Changed by Bernd Gilles
Downloads 23,163
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