Professional developers use source-code-control
If you are a professional software developer today, the topic of source code management may never be underestimated. This is especially true for Access developers, because Access as a development environment has the unpleasant peculiarity of rendering objects (forms, reports, etc.) useless or may even completely destroy them.
The use of a source code management not only takes the developer's fear of defective objects. Extensive changes to the design and source code are possible at any time, because you can always go back to the stored state of a functional version.
The fear of damaging a "running system" is unfounded - the development can go strait foreward.
This is especially important for Access developers: Teamwork is only really possible by using a source code management system. With the help of OASIS-SVN, each team member can work on individual objects - with a version server on the Internet, even at any time at any location. Later, the individual objects from source code management are merged into a new version of the application.
The topic "Continous Integration" is unthinkable without the use of source code management.
The automation and centralization of software production and delivery makes development much more productive, reduces the risk of errors during the build process and the delivery and reduces the amount of unloved and time-consuming routine tasks.
And, by the way, source code management is also an ideal backup of your important objects and source code. Even distributed to several systems when you are working as part of a team of developers.